Regin MRT Manometer Angled Rigid Tube

Product Code: REGU04

Availability:In stock

£25.99 25.99


  • A rigid extension to Manometer tubing allowing the engineer to take gas pressures in a faster and more efficient manner.
  • Best Boiler Engineer bespoke tool developed for many years.
  • Connects immediately to tapered gas nipples on a boiler's gas valve.
  • Excellent for all Boilers especially BBU's.
  • Supplied with 1 metre length of rubber tubing.
  • Instead of fiddling around trying to find the tapered gas nipple on a boilers gas valve, which is often set way back in the depths of the unit, you simply attach your manometer tubing to the M.R.T. Therefore providing a rigid platform which then connects to the gas valve.
  • The product saves endless time and hassle allowing the engineer to do his job more efficiently and effectively.

Not suitable for testing gas hob pressures